Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Happy Birthday, Ems!

I just wanted to wish you a wonderful day, Ems. I love you!! I can't wait to see you in just 20 days!!
Love, Baby Jack Rabbit

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!!!!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Back Home Again & Picture Pages!

Well, another trip for the color books. I personally had a great time at Thanksgiving and being up north with the family. But, I have to admit, it is nice to be back home and back in my own nursery.

Plus, I don't have to wear three layers plus mittens and booties just to be warm enough to sleep! Mouse and I BOTH had some silly hats. As you can see, Daddy spent a lot of his time as an amateur photographer. LOTS of new pictures.

We also ordered our Christmas Cards today, so those should be arriving shortly. Yours Truly made the cut, and I am looking forward to trying to sign my name on all those cards.
This week things should be getting back to normal. Daddy and Mommy have to go back to the hospital, and I will be heading back to Mona's. I am looking forward to it though, because she gets me.

I also had some Oatmeal tonight, of which I will say 18% made it into my mouth.

Well, hope everyone is doing well, and had a good Monday. I was glad we could stay an extra day @ NPP. Now I really have to start my Christmas shopping as well as helping Mommy and Daddy put up decorations around the house. I love that stuff.

This including my very first Christmas Tree which we all cut down by ourselves this past week while up North. I am personally looking forward to many hours staring at the lights on the tree. Cool!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mass Exodus

Today, G.G., Papa Jon, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Francie left. This leaves me, Daddy, Mommy, and Mouse to hang out one last day at the cottage. We have purposely done very little today, except relax and take naps in front of the fire. The weather outside is not very inviting anyway. I am having a good day, and looking forward to going back home tomorrow, even though Mommy and Daddy will have to go back to the Hospital. This picture is an oldie but goodie, and since no pictures have been taken of yours truly in the past two days, I thought I would put this one on the blog.

Friday, November 25, 2005


Well, today is the day after Thanksgiving, and I needed to catch up on my sleep. Mommy and Daddy went into Leland and Suttons Bay for lunch and some shopping.Not to worry though, I had Northport's best babysitter, Cecilia. We had a good time and I was well behaved. I slept and played with her while on my mat with all the colors. Mommy and Daddy even brought me back a new toy from the Toy Store in Leland. It is a very cool rattle/hourglass with lots of things that make noise. Too cool.

Now, we are watching the Colorado/Nebraska game and unfortunately, Colorado is losing. Even with me wearing my extra-special CU outfit. Fiddlesticks. I am not a fan of anything Cornhusker. Plus, Daddy has some football pool bet with some person named 'Urang' so he is even more upset about the game than I am. Mommy says I am too young to bet, but I am going to go ahead and take the over/under on the Florida/Florida State game tomorrow because apparently Daddy needs the win for the seasonal championship.

The weather is also better today, but I still did not go outside. Maybe tomorrow before the game. Till then!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Daddy, mommy, and I are at the cottage in Northport for Thanksgiving with Mouse, Papa Jon, G.G., Aunt Francie and Uncle Mark. It is VERY cold. Brrrrrr! I am wearing my blanket sleeper, my sleep sack, and my new red fleece hat. It's really windy, and snow is blowing everywhere. I don't think I'm going to go outside today. Instead I'm going to play on my mat by the fire and cuddle with mommy and daddy.

Today is my five month birthday. I'm growing up! I'm very good at rolling from my tummy to back, and I'm really working hard on going the other direction. I can get almost all the way over, but then my shoulder gets in the way. I get a little mad about it, especially when I'm tired. I'm still very good natured, though, most of the time. Everyone here says that I am a great baby, so cute and happy. I am definitely happy!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Journal Club

Well, Daddy and Mommy decided it was time to go out for some dinner with their hospital friends. Luckily, Grandpa Chip and Stacie were there to make sure that I stayed out of trouble. We didn't party too hard while daddy and mommy where away, but we had a great time. Nice to have family around. Grandpa and Stacie said I was pretty good. Unfortunately, it is getting late and I am getting very sleepy. Tomorrow we all go to Northport for Thanksgiving and some R&R and some early Christmas shopping. I guess I need to start working on my Christmas list! Hope everyone travels safely this week!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Chow Down!

Today I ate real food!! I was going to wait until Thanksgiving, but mommy got to come home today while she was on call at the hospital, and we decided to try it today. Mommy mixed up some rice cereal with milk and daddy got the cameras ready. I even dressed up in my overalls for the occasion.

I liked it right away! I've been very interested in what mommy and daddy are eating this past week, and I'm pretty glad that I finally got a chance. Yummy. I opened my mouth really wide, like a little baby bird, and gobbled up everything on the spoon. It's pretty tasty. I'm excited to try some more tomorrow.

When Grandpa Mike was here, he ordered some storm windows for my bedroom, because it's been kind of tough to keep it warm and toasty. Today the handy man put them up for us. Now I'm cozy! Thanks Grandpa!

On Tuesday, after mommy and daddy finish work, we're going to go to the cottage for Thanksgiving. We're very excited because it means lots of family time. I can't wait to spend time with mommy and daddy. Mouse and Papa Jon and G.G. and Aunt Francie and Uncle Mark are going to be there, too. Daddy says everyone is going to eat turkey, but I'm going to eat more of that cereal!

Last night, my new cousin was born. Brodie Ewing Ford arrived in Rogers, Arkansas. His daddy is my mommy's cousin. Congratulations to Ethan and Michelle!

Well, I'm going to take a nap now. Eating food from a spoon really wore me out! I have a new trick when I'm put in my crib. I roll over! And then I want to play instead of sleep. I think it's pretty funny!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

First Snow

It snowed this week and got really cold. It started snowing on Wednesday and made everything white! Mommy, daddy, and I went for a walk on Thursday afternoon, and I was really bundled up. I had on my fleecy snowsuit and my pooh hat and an extra thick blanket. Mommy was very worried that I wasn't going to be warm enough, but I was toasty. Today the sun came out and the snow melted. We went for another walk, and mommy took me to a crafts show at the high school. Lots of people noticed me and said I was cute. I had fun watching all of the people.

Daddy went to the Michigan - Ohio State game today. He's not home yet, but when he does get home, mommy and I will have to give him some kisses to make him feel better....he'll be very sad that Michigan lost.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Michigan, South Carolina, & Colorado Football

It's been a happy Saturday! We've had family time all day. And even though we're all a little bit under the weather, we've still had a nice day! We went on a very long walk around the neighborhood. It's amazingly nice for the middle of November. The sun has been out, and it's pretty warm. There were lots of other people out, too. Dakota got to come and run free in the park. He liked that! I'm a big fan of my stroller these days. It's a great spot to hang out and see the sights. Today I wore my cute pooh hat and mittens. Mommy says I look soooo cute.

We couldn't go for our walk until the Michigan and South Carolina games were over. Daddy was very interested in those games, because he graduated from both schools. He was so happy that South Carolina beat Florida. The Colorado game is on right now. Hopefully they'll win too, and then it will be a good football day all the way around.

There are so many huge leaf piles around. If I were just a little older, I think I'd jump in one. The ones outside our house are the biggest on the street!

Tonight I had a fun bath. I'm almost too big for my baby tub that fits in the kitchen sink. I like it though. I can kick and splash and wiggle all over. After my bath I got a baby massage with night-time lotion. Now I'm feeling pretty sleepy....sweet dreams!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First Cold....

It's been a rough few days. Mommy was on call Thursday, so she got to pick me up early in the afternoon on Friday. That was great, except that we went to get my four month shots. Those hurt! I seemed to recover pretty quickly though, and we had a nice afternoon of playing. By later that night, I was pretty miserable. I woke up a couple of times and felt crummy. Mommy rocked me back to sleep for a long time, but then she had to get up early and head back to the hospital for Saturday call. I spent the whole day with daddy, and I continued to have a fever. I started coughing and sneezing! Daddy stuck that awful contraption up my nose to clean it out. That made me mad! But then I felt better, and I could breathe. I slept a lot, and for the most part I was happy in between naps.

Mommy had a terrible time at the hospital, but she did come home once to rock me and cuddle me. She said it was a horrible thing to have to leave me, but daddy took really good care of me. I slept really well, and when I woke up, mommy was home!! We both took naps together, and I had a bath and some play time. Then I took another really long nap. I didn't feel that great, but I didn't seem to have a fever anymore. We just had a quiet day at home and tried to recuperate.

Yesterday, mommy didn't go to work, so that she could stay home with me. I was still coughing a lot, and I slept for a lot of the day. I'm on the road to recovery though. I feel lots better!! Today I'm almost back to myself. I think that mommy and daddy were more upset about my cold than I was....they must love me a lot. I know that I love them!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

November 1st!

Wow! A new month already. Daddy is back on the ENT service this month, which is nice, because now mommy and daddy are at the same hospital every day. Mommy is in the ICU now. It's a new adjustment for me. Some mornings, I have to go to Mona's before 7am. That's very early, but it'll work out okay, I think. This morning, daddy took me to Mona's for the very first time. Usually mommy takes me and then daddy picks me up, but mommy had to be at the hospital very early. Tomorrow, everybody has to be somewhere early - I'm going to go to Mona's at 6:45. I might wear my PJs.

This evening, we all went on a walk. I bundled up and wore my very cute and cozy pooh hat and mittens. Unfortunately the pictures of me got deleted, so we'll have to take some more the next time I wear them.

I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams!