Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy 4 Months, Sweet Baby Girl

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

It's been a very busy couple of weeks, and mommy has really been missing the blog updates. We have loads of new pictures and we will get them up soon. Addison is getting so big. She will be four months old tomorrow, which is amazing to all of us. This morning, when we were leaving the house to go to Mona's, mommy was carrying me out, and Addison was sitting by the door in her carseat. Daddy was going to hand the carseat to mommy after I was in the car. I got quite upset at the thought that mommy was leaving the baby! I told her to get "a-son."

Fun things I like: traffic lights (I'm very good at watching them and announcing when they change colors - green GO!), my Thomas trains (I'm becoming more attached to them every day), pretending, my Thomas books, oreo cookies (I know how to peel them open and lick the middle - no one even had to teach me), running (I never walk anywhere), snow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I love my sister

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThese were taken with mommy's cell phone, so they are not quite as clear as normal photos, but too cute not to share.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket