Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Daddy, mommy, and I are at the cottage in Northport for Thanksgiving with Mouse, Papa Jon, G.G., Aunt Francie and Uncle Mark. It is VERY cold. Brrrrrr! I am wearing my blanket sleeper, my sleep sack, and my new red fleece hat. It's really windy, and snow is blowing everywhere. I don't think I'm going to go outside today. Instead I'm going to play on my mat by the fire and cuddle with mommy and daddy.

Today is my five month birthday. I'm growing up! I'm very good at rolling from my tummy to back, and I'm really working hard on going the other direction. I can get almost all the way over, but then my shoulder gets in the way. I get a little mad about it, especially when I'm tired. I'm still very good natured, though, most of the time. Everyone here says that I am a great baby, so cute and happy. I am definitely happy!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!


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