Thursday, October 27, 2005

Four Months!

Mommy is home!! She got back yesterday afternoon, and she was so excited to see me. Her flight was delayed in Detroit, and she was so anxious to get home that she couldn't sit still in the airport. She had a really good time in Orlando, but she missed me lots! I missed her too, but I had a good time with daddy and mouse. They took good care of me, but it's nice to have mommy home. She is such a good cuddler!

Today was my Four Month Check-up. I like Dr. Bolan. He is a very good doctor. And his nurse, Kay, is very, very nice. She said that I'm handsome! I weigh 15 pounds and 15 5/8 ounces. That sounds pretty close to 16 pounds to me - one more big meal of milk should push me right over. I am 25 3/4 inches long. Those are both 75th percentile, so I'm quite well proportioned, mommy says. Dr. Bolan says that I'm perfect and right on track with all of my new tricks. He and mommy talked about when to start feeding me solid food. I think it's going to be Thanksgiving, when I am 5 months old. When everyone is eating turkey, I'm going to be eating oatmeal!

Today is daddy's birthday! He had to work a little, but then met Grandpa for a grown-up drink @ Roses. Now, we're going to have a little party tonight, and our neighbors from across the street are going to come over for cake and ice cream. Too bad I am too young to eat any ;-(
But, I am sure we'll have some pictures of that later. Till then!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, 4 months and already you know so much! Such a big boy you are, and yes - very handsome! How neat that your Mommy's home again, and what fun to have had few special days with your Daddy and Mouse!

Happy Four Months, Jack Rabbit!
I love you!

10:41 PM  

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