Yesterday, mommy went to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned. It was a tooth kinda day, so we practiced brushing my teeth. I love my Winnie the Pooh tooth brush!

I'm getting really good at brushing all
six of my teeth.

Mouse is here to help take care of me when mommy is on call. She got here on Saturday, and then mommy had to be at the hospital on Sunday. It was fun to spend time with Mouse. Mommy got to come home and feed me and put me to bed though. I liked that!

Yesterday, the three of us spent the day together. Dakota and Mouse's dog, Blue, were here too. It was a bit crowded when all four of them were gathered around my high chair during dinner! I'm so fun, though, that everyone wants to be near me. (Also I drop lots of yummy food!)

On Sunday, mommy thinks I made my first sign. I was eating cheerios (one of my favorites), and mommy asked (and signed) if I wanted more. I looked at her and I looked at the box, and I signed right back. More, More, More! I got more!! It's neat how that works.

Sometimes that tooth brushing really gets you!

Here I am playing with mommy on the floor. We were rolling around and giggling.

Then I decided to head out for some more fun.

Off I go to the stairs!