Saturday, January 26, 2008

Addison's First Cereal

Here is Addison getting ready for her first big meal. She has been so interested in the rest of us eating, so mommy thought it was time.

She did great, although she wasn't quite as excited as I was when I got my first taste.

She ate a little bit off of the spoon, but she mostly wanted to grab the spoon out of mommy's hand. She's so funny.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cute Little Sister

Our little Addie Bear is getting to be such a sweet munchkin. She is wearing my little outfit in this, and mommy just thought she was squeezably delicious!

She's turned into quite a talker - lots of cooing, babbling, and raspberries. She plays with her tongue and blows bubbles and makes engine noises. I think she's pretty hilarious, and she feels the same way about me and Dakota.

I find her quite kissable and like to give her smacking kisses on the top of her head! By the way, she has cute, fuzzy hair and she's getting a tooth!!

Busy on a Cold Day

It is freezing cold outside and has been since Saturday, so we're looking for fun things to do.

Today while mommy was getting my lunch ready, I discovered a roll of big yellow trash bags and made the yellow brick road. My oh my, did I have some fun!

We also made some blueberry muffins this morning. Mommy said that we were going to make cupcakes, and I said "birthday!"

Monday, January 14, 2008

4 month shots...very late

PhotobucketAddison got her shots this morning. It worked out great because daddy had a late morning, so he and I stayed home to play while mommy took our little girl. We were very behind schedule for her, because of our trip to Colorado, the holidays, mommy's work schedule, and then Addie Bear's terrible cold. The nurse said that was okay, and that we can catch back up next month by doing her 6 month shots a month after today. That's good news!

PhotobucketShe did great! Mommy said she was very stoic. She had to get four shots, and the nurse did them all separately. We like it better when they double up, but this turned out okay. She didn't even flinch for the first two, then she whimpered a bit for the third, and finally cried a bit for the last one. Mommy said that's a lot different than me, as I used to yell quite loudly about the whole thing. Apparently, Addison is one tough cookie. Hee, hee! That's funny- I like cookies!

PhotobucketNow daddy is off to work, and Addison is going to take a nap. Mommy and I are going to hang out and probably play with some of my trains. It's kinda snowy and icky outside so we'll find some indoor stuff to do. I ate two big bowls of oatmeal and a bowl of applesauce for breakfast so I'm raring to go!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Children's Museum Again!

Mommy took me and Addison back to the Children's Museum on Thursday because we had such a good time last weekend.
I was very determined to get this penguin up the steps and down the slide with me. I finally did it!!

I am such a good backseat driver. I always tell mommy and daddy when the light is green (GO!) or red (STOP!). I thought this stoplight was fascinating.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Children's Museum

We all went to the Children's Museum last Saturday. Mouse gave us a family membership for Christmas! Thanks, Mouse!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Family Snow Day

On our way to the park last Friday. It was a very sunny, pretty day, so we thought we'd enjoy the snow.

It was fun!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year's at the Cottage