Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Here I am!! The cutest dinosaur in town. Boy, did I have fun. There was so much excitement around the house.

...knocks on the door, a big pumpkin bag full of candy, kids at the door, dakota running around, mommy and daddy handing out candy and trying to get it away from me....wow!

I like Halloween. We went trick or treating at our neighbor's house, across the street. I got a hug from Brook, and then I got to run around the yard and driveway with the big kids.

Here I am, answering the door.


I'm absolutely exhausted! Can we do it again tomorrow?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

Today is my daddy's birthday! And we're very happy to be celebrating. Tonight Mouse and Papa Jon are arriving for the weekend. I'm going to stay home with them this evening while mommy and daddy go out. Tomorrow we're going to watch football and have a "daddy-kind of day" - that means lots of football and yummy tortilla chips! Sounds good to me. Mommy has to go to the hospital to round in the morning - it's her first weekend on call. Hopefully she won't be too busy. On Sunday, if the weather is okay, daddy is going to go golfing with G'pa Chip and Papa Jon. Daddy is going to have a great weekend!! We'll put up some pictures later.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So Big!

Mommy and daddy were cleaning up the basement last week, and I had some fun on the stairs. I was sitting on one of them, like such a big boy, and daddy took these pictures.

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's official...I'm walking!!

I have been walking a little bit for several weeks. But I kept my interest in crawling to get places fast until about 10 days ago. Now I walk everywhere!! And everyday I get faster.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Go Broncos!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

15 months

Just a quick update before we start our day. I had my 15 month doctor visit last Friday. I'm 32.5 inches tall (90th percentile), and weigh 24 pounds (50th percentile). Dr. Bolan was impressed because I can stack 7 blocks, and I know at least 20 words. I sat very nicely for my exam; I didn't even mind the ears!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mommy's Last Day Off

Well, it's official. Mommy has to go to work tomorrow. She starts her new, real doctor job. No more residency for mommy! It's been a very nice summer, even with boards in late August. We had a great time! The really nice thing is that she's only going to work 4 days a week, so Monday's are going to be mommy and Jack days! I think that's great.

We started our fun today. It was very rainy all morning - lots of thunder and lightning. Mommy thought it would never clear up, but just in time for an afternoon walk, the sun came out! We went on a nice walk with Dakota and even did a couple of local errands (like daddy's dry cleaning). Then we stopped at Jersey Junction for a Monday afternoon ice cream cone. We tried vanilla this time, and I liked it! When we got home, we played in the yard and driveway, and I pushed my cars and bikes around.

These pictures are actually from last week. The first one is me eating a pebble from the back yard. See the impish look in my eye - no way was mommy getting that rock away from me!!

Think of mommy tomorrow - send lots of good luck thoughts. I know I will be!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pretty Sunday Afternoon
