For the past few weeks, I have been crawling out of my crib... A LOT!! I'm very good at it, and when I was ready for bed, I'd often crawl right back in. But mommy and daddy decided it was time to change my crib into a toddler bed.

On Tuesday, mommy got my bed all made up. After my bath, I discovered it!! Wow! I got tucked in and got all cozy, but then hopped right out to explore. This went on for several hours. I was just too excited to go to sleep.

I kept crawling in myself and getting under the covers, but then I'd jump back out. So fun!

I finally went to sleep and slept great! And then last night, I fell asleep a little earlier. Each night is a little better. By the way, mommy was very sad to take my crib apart. Even though daddy pointed out that she has a new baby, it's just not the same..... I'll always be her first baby.