Monday, May 28, 2007

Ice Cream Scoop

Someone (mommy thinks it was Mouse) taught me what an ice cream scoop is for. I like to take it out of the kitchen drawer and demand that someone pick me up so that I can open the freezer. Mommy thinks it's cute - kind of.

Last night she gave in, and I got to have some ice cream for dessert. I thought it was pretty ridiculous that she wouldn't give me the scoop after she was done putting it in a bowl, so she gave in on that too.

I'm so cute!!


I've been discovering some of the finer things in life. Chocolate is pretty tasty. I tried to convince mommy to open an entire bag of chocolate chips, but she wouldn't give in. I did get some pudding out of the deal, though.

And then she let me fingerpaint with it. I love my mommy!

Daddy's Shopping Habit

Daddy cannot resist a good deal - he's been shopping at garage sales and Here's some of my recent booty.

The red wagon was $4.75 online, although it took mommy and daddy a significant amount of time to put it together. I love it!

I'm wearing my Italia t-shirt straight from Venice. I'm pretty cool!

Outside Fun

Last weekend, I helped with some yardwork. My favorite phrase these days is "I DO IT!!"

Fortunately for daddy, I was fairly satisfied with my own lawn mower, although I've still got my eye on that big one.

I have a thing about hats and helmets. This is my neighbor's helmet. She's nine and was nice enough to let me borrow it while I wandered through the neighborhood, trying out people's front steps.


Memorial Day

Wow, almost a whole month without an updated post. I'm not sure our little family has ever been as busy as we are this month. No pictures today, because the camera is downstairs, but I thought I'd quickly try to update at least once for May.

Daddy is finally home from his two months away. Right after he returned, he and mommy went on a grown-up vacation, and I stayed home with Mouse. They went to Italy for a week and had a great time. It was nice for them to spend some time together before my little sister shows up. I had fun at home with Mouse. The weather was great, and we spent the whole week outside, I think. When mommy and daddy got back, they took an extra day off of work to hang out with me. I gave them so many hugs!! I was very happy to have them home.

Mommy hasn't had a day off since then. She's been on call lots, but it's worked out. I still get to spend time with her, but there hasn't been a whole lot of extra time for anything else. Daddy is back in Indianapolis (wasn't he just there?) for the Indy 500 yesterday. He'll be home later today, and then no one is leaving town for a while. Whew! And my 2nd birthday is coming up in less than a month!

Mommy will help me get some pictures later...