Saturday, February 11, 2006


I had my first cheerios tonight. Yummy! They were great fun. Mommy put a bunch on my tray, and I picked them up and sometimes got them into my mouth. Daddy took pictures.

I think this could entertain me for hours. Dakota was very interested in it all, too. I dropped some on the floor for him. He's finally realizing the joy of having a baby brother.

By the way, dakota got a very short haircut last week. He looks great!

I'm feeling much better now. I'm back to my old self - lots of giggling and talking and rolling around. I'm getting very good at scooting around on the floor on my tummy. I can really get places.

I'm also a really good sleeper. At night, mommy and daddy get me ready for bed, and we have a story and some songs. Then I lay down in crib, and I snuggle with my green pancake bear. He's so cozy. I flip over on my tummy and fall right asleep.

Today, in Colorado, my Ems had breakfast with Mouse and Papa Jon. They are going skiing this week, so they stopped to say hi to Ems. It sounds like they had fun!

In Grand Rapids, G.G. came over to visit me this morning. She can't believe how big I've gotten! Then we went to lunch with Grandpa Chip and Stacie. It was a family day all over the country.

Well, I'm off to bed to rest up for another fun day tomorrow. Hopefully some more of those cheerios....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Boy! Aren't Cheerios the best - second only to you, little boy! Don't you just love the way they stick to your fingers? All you have to do is lick 'em off! What fun! Mmmmmm and tasty too!

I saw Mouse and Papa Jon today, Jack. We had lunch together on their way to the mountains. It was fun!
I love you, Jack Rabbit!

9:20 PM  

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