Monday, January 02, 2006


Mommy finally found some teething cookies for me. She looked for the perfect cookie for a long time, and today she found some vanilla flavored ones that weren't too sugary. Daddy took a bite and declared it yummy. I have to agree!

After I ate a BIG dinner of squash, oatmeal, and peaches, I sat in my high chair and enjoyed a cookie. It was delicious. It was great fun to pick up my own food and make a mess. I'm a fan!

Mouse and Papa Jon went back to Indianapolis today after going to breakfast with daddy. Mommy and I slept in, because mommy had a very long, busy night of call. After our breakfast, we all went on a walk with Dakota. I rode in my baby backpack.

The weather has been rather dismal. Late this afternoon, it rained - a lot. This morning, mommy and I heard a very interesting thing on the news. There has not been ONE minute of sunshine in Grand Rapids since Christmas - this makes it the cloudiest place in the WORLD. No joke. Mommy has been talking about this all day; she can't believe that we live in the CLOUDIEST PLACE ON EARTH. Good grief.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clouds and cookies, huh? I prefer cookies, don't you?

I'm sooooooo glad your Mommy found some cookies for you! Aren't they just the best? I just knew you'd love trying your self-feeding skills, little Jack Rabbit! Good for you!

I've ordered another minute or two of sunshine for you and your Mommy and Daddy! Hope it gets there!

I love you,

12:17 AM  

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