Monday, August 15, 2005

Long Walks and Ice Cream

Well, we had a good weekend. Daddy was on-call, and the hospital was pretty busy, so he kept getting called in to do stuff, but we still got to spend some time together. On Friday I took a really long nap, and mommy and daddy actually had some quiet time to spend together. When I woke up, we all went for a walk. I fell asleep in my pajamas at about 10pm, and I didn't wake up until 5:30 in the morning!! Mommy woke up earlier, though, because she was so surprised that I wasn't awake. WOW! Mommy and daddy were both really proud of me. I knew they would be when I finally decided to get some sleep.

On Sunday, Mouse came to visit. She was on her way to the cottage to see my cousins, Jake and Jessica. She hadn't seen me since I was three weeks old, and she was very impressed with how big I am. She was also impressed with how well I sleep in my crib. Who knew that this family would be so crazy about sleep? They're so silly! It seems pretty easy to me. And I like my crib in my room - it's nice and pretty in there.

Sunday morning, mommy and dakota and I walked for an hour and a half. It was really fun. I slept for some of the time, but the rest of the walk, I just looked around and enjoyed the view. We walked again after dinner, when mommy and daddy went to Jersey Junction to get ice cream. Yum!


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