Monday, March 03, 2008

Nap Strike

Today I decided not to take a nap. I was exhausted. I had a big, yummy lunch and a cookie. I was yawning and went right upstairs to read a book with mommy. But then I just decided to run around my room like a crazy boy and wreck the place. Mommy was not especially impressed. So here is a list of things I did instead of nap: screamed as loudly as I possibly could, sat on Addison, tried to ride Dakota, snuck a chocolate chip cookie when I thought mommy wasn't watching, demanded to watch Thomas, threw all my dominoes on the floor, demanded cup after cup of juice, colored myself with markers, stomped in puddles, ran out into the street just because mommy told me not to, got in Addison's exersaucer, opened a jar of cookie decorating sprinkles because they looked like candy, spilled my painting water, and last but not least, when mommy thought she was going to send me to live with Ems - ran up to her and squeezed her face between both of my hands and kissed her with a loud smacking noise. I think I'd better go to bed now, before someone gets hurt. Night-night.


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