Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesday in July

Today was a good day, although it was very warm and humid. It started out with some rain, but that cleared up. I went to Mona's for the morning, and we went to visit the construction site near her house. I loved the trucks!! Mommy picked me up in the afternoon, and I was very sleepy in the car. I went straight to bed for a nap when we got home and slept for 2 1/2 hours. I've been taking some huge naps lately. Daddy thinks it's a growth spurt.

After dinner, mommy, daddy, dakota, and I walked to Jersey Junction for my first ice cream. I was not impressed. The blueberries I ate for dessert at home were much more to my liking. I was mostly interested in grabbing the bowl of ice cream out of daddy's hand and dumping it upside down.

I had kind of a hard time falling asleep tonight - mommy thinks it's because I have a new trick of throwing all of my bears over the crib railing; then I'm lonely for them, but I can't reach them. It's a pretty fun trick, but after they're gone, I have no one to talk to or cuddle with. Maybe tomorrow night, I'll throw everyone but sleepy bear. We'll see. I have a new word (that makes two - the first one is mama). I say Baaaye. It means bye-bye, and I say it whenever I wave good-bye. So, baaaaye!


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